
Monday, May 21, 2012

SPA Policy Blog Paragraph

One policy that I wish could be changed is the curfew time because i feel that they don't give us time to hang out and be teens. I feel like they try to control our lives because they tell us what to do how to do it and when we have to come inside. I feel that they treat us like kids when we are young adults. So I feel that should change the curfew so that we can learn to be young adults.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 31 PP

-achieve -compute -specific
Parents of teen vandals shouldn't be held responsible for their child's damage. One reason why is that the parents are not the ones the made the mistake. Another is that the should be held responsible for their own behavor. Also they need to start to grow up sometime. In conclusion, the teen should be the ones paying for their own mistake.